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English Proficiency for GTAs

Requirements for Graduate Teaching Assistants

Notice: A student must be fully admitted into their graduate program, with a MIX email and WVU ID number prior to scheduling an English Proficiency Interview. The English Proficiency Interview is solely for assessing classroom aptitude for spoken English, and is not to assess English proficiency for admission.

In addition to demonstrating English proficiency for admission to West Virginia University, all Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) are required to provide evidence that they have an adequate level of speaking proficiency to instruct a course in English (or, in some cases, in another language).

There are several different ways students may qualify to hold a GTA.

Method One: Bachelor’s Degree from an Approved Country

Students who hold a bachelor’s degree from a country on WVU’s approved list do not need to take further action to qualify for a GTA. A student must hold a bachelor’s degree from one of the countries on the list provided by International Graduate Admissions (see here).

Method Two: Test Scores

Using tests that have a separate speaking component, the TOEFL iBT and IELTS, a satisfactory speaking score can be used to indicate English speaking proficiency. Only official scores will be accepted for this purpose. Any student who has been required to demonstrate English proficiency in order to be admitted to West Virginia University must also meet additional standards in order to engage in assistantships that involve classroom instruction.

Minimum scores: The requirements vary based on whether the GTA will teach in English or another language. 
WVU accepts speaking section scores from the TOEFL iBT Home Edition and TOEFL iBT Paper Edition, as well as scores from IELTS. 

  • For GTAs who teach in English, a score of 22 on the speaking section of the TOEFL iBT or a score of 7.5 on the speaking section of the IELTS will satisfy the English-speaking proficiency requirement. 
  • For GTAs who teach in a language other than English, a score of 18 on the speaking section of the TOEFL iBT or a score of 6.0 on the speaking section of the IELTS will satisfy the English-speaking proficiency requirement.
  • A True North score of 7.5 for GTAs who teach in English or 6.0 for GTAs who teach in a language other than English (such as foreign language classes). 

Method Three: English Proficiency Interview

If a student does not hold a bachelor’s degree from an approved country, or have qualifying test scores, they must request an interview with the Intensive English Program (IEP) before they may be offered a GTA and before they may undertake classroom instruction.

GTA supervisors or staff will request an interview for new prospective GTAs by emailing The IEP coordinator will reach out to schedule the interviews and report results to supervisors (scores will also be recorded in BANNER). Students are not permitted to request interviews on their own behalf.

Each request should include the following for any students requiring an interview:

  1. Name
  2. MIX email address (no outside addresses permitted)
  3. WVU ID #
  4. Degree Program
  5. Prospective course for which student would serve as GTA
  6. Name and email for GTA coordinator/supervisor/responsible department staff person

Faculty and Staff

Please be aware students should have a qualifying score through any of the acceptable methods before a GTA offer is made. Please check scores carefully.     

  • All test scores are noted in BANNER.
  • For verification, contact Melody Thomas ( in the Office of Admissions.
  • You must initiate the request for an English Proficiency Interview on behalf of your students.

  • To proceed with the offer of a GTA:
    • If the minimum test scores are met, nothing else needs to be done. You may proceed with the offer.
    • If the student does not have a bachelor’s degree from an approved country or lacks appropriate test scores, please contact the IEP program at to help the student schedule an assessment.
  • Email with any questions.  


  • If you submitted scores for TOEFL or IELTS for admission, your program should be able to look up whether you have a qualifying score on file. They will contact you if they need additional information.
  • If you are required to schedule an interview to qualify for a GTA position, your program will provide you information about registration.
  • When you have completed the assessment, your program will confirm whether you have a qualifying score and will communicate with you about your next steps.

Policies and Procedures

  I. There is no fee for scheduling an English Proficiency Interview (EPI).

  II. Departments must develop a process for requesting EPIs for students. One individual should be designated to coordinate requests and oversee compliance.

  III. If after an interview, it appears a student may not pass, the interviewer will request a second review from their supervisor. The review may determine a grade of pass or fail.

  IV. If a student does not pass their interview, they will be provided with an individualized plan for improvement. This will consistent of feedback from the interview, resources, and activities that must be completed prior to a second interview being scheduled as well as a timeline.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the format for the interview?

A: The interview is a one on one conversation in English that takes place on a recorded video call. Interviews typically last 15 minutes and consist of three sections. In the first section, students discuss general topics about their areas of study and their academic lives. In the second section, students are given 10 terms from their field of study and are asked to describe 2 of them as if teaching someone with no knowledge of the subject. In the third section, students are asked open-ended questions based on their responses in the first and second sections.

Q: How do I prepare for the interview?

A: The best way to practice for the EPI is to practice conversational English out loud, preferably with a partner.

Q: How will my responses be graded?

A: The EPI will assess a student’s preparedness to undertake classroom instruction in English. The assessment does not include judging a student’s expertise in a given field of study.

Q: I have a Master’s Degree from a country on the approved list. Does this qualify me to hold a GTA?

A: No. WVU only considers bachelor’s degrees.

Who do I contact if I have Questions?

For questions about the assessment itself, contact

For questions about the policy, GTA policies, or GTA offers, please email the Office of Graduate Education and Life at


Qualifying exempt countries

If you have citizenship or a bachelor’s degree from one of the following countries then you do not need to submit scores to meet the English language proficiency requirement.  

  • Anguilla
  • Antigua
  • Australia
  • Barbados
  • Belize
  • Bermuda
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Canada
  • Cayman Islands
  • Dominica
  • Ghana
  • Grenada
  • Guyana
  • India
  • Jamaica
  • Kenya
  • Liberia
  • Montserrat
  • Nepal
  • New Zealand
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan
  • Republic of Ireland
  • South Africa
  • St Kitts and Nevis
  • St Lucia
  • St Vincent
  • The Bahamas
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Turks and Caicos
  • United Kingdom
  • United States and its territories